Foldable Diaper Bag With Baby Bed 3 in 1

£79.99 £124.00

This stylish Diaper Backpack with the changing station can be used as a mom's bag, mobile crib, and portable changing pillow. Whether you are going on a weekend trip or traveling by plane, it only takes you 1 minute to transform the Diaper Bag into a bassinet and then create a clean, comfortable sleeping place for the boy/girl.


This Multifunctional Travel Crib serves as a diaper organizer, changing table, portable travel cot, and breast milk storage. There are three insulated aluminum foil pockets on the front of the Foldable Diaper Bag. It can keep the bottle warm for a long time. The removable inner container can be cleaned separately.


The Diaper Baby Bag is well made, waterproof, non-toxic, and easy to clean, with the waterproof and durable fabric, you can easily wipe the dirt off your baby diaper backpack. The diaper backpack with thick straps and Padded Back evenly distributes the load on the shoulders and back for a long time. 



Key Features: 

  • 3 in 1 Foldable Diaper Bag With Baby Bed.
  • can be used as a mom's bag,
  • Portable changing pillow.
  • 1 minute to transform the Diaper Bag.
  • A comfortable sleeping place for the boy/girl.
  • waterproof, non-toxic, and easy to clean